Sunday, July 5, 2009

Not my family, imbecile

Dear Farah,

Don't you diss my sister online.She did not call you a bitch to your face. She was merely expressing her view on your behaviour, to me. I only told you what she said to drive in how shocking and apalling you little 'joke' was. I have never insulted your family members. My sister was standing up for me. Instead of insulting her publicly, think about what she said. You don't tolerate rudeness? Respect is earned. My family loved you. Heck, my whole family was worried about you. One week, this charade went on. And you can tell me it was light hearted? I was about to call you and say it was okay, but I happened to read your blog first. You insult my sister, you're insulting me and my family. Remember when Aqmar insulted your mother? I don't give a damn if you or Haliim or whoever thinks I'm overreacting. I was worried, very much so. You disappoint me, Farah, in more ways than one. Knowing you, you're just going to blow up and start screwing me online or something. I don't care. But don't you dare touch my family.


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